This Book provides an extensive exploration of interaction design by examining a wide range of technologies, as well as interaction techniques, styles and devices. The book highlights the considerations, trade-offs and challenges inherent in designing interactions, and covers topics such as multimodal and gesture-based interaction, wearable technology, haptic interfaces, speech and sound-based interaction, motion and animation, and more. Readers of this book will acquire a deep understanding of the diverse ways humans interact with computer technologies.
The book delves into device characteristics, discusses the pros and cons of different interaction modes, and guides the reader in selecting the most suitable approach for various interactive scenarios. Beyond traditional interfaces like WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer) designed for single users on single devices, the book also explores multi-user, multimodal systems, public systems featuring large displays, tangible interfaces, brain-computer interfaces, affective computing and the latest advancements in Extended Reality environments.
This book contains 14 chapters, written by 59 authors. The book includes 121 figures, 29 tables, and 1,958 references for documenting and providing supporting data to the presented and discussed information.